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Chemistry - A European Journal





版本需求:Android 4.0 以上版本



聯絡地址:111 River Street Hoboken, NJ 07030-5774

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Chemistry—A European Journal is a truly international journal with top quality contributions. It publishes a wide range of outstanding Reviews, Minireviews, Concepts, Full Papers and Communications from all areas of chemistry and related fields.

• Stay current with the latest articles through Early View – updated almost daily.

• Be notified when a new article on your favorite topic, or a new issue is available.

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Based in Europe, Chemistry—A European Journal provides an excellent platform for increasing the visibility of European chemistry as well as for featuring the best research from authors from around the world.

All manuscripts are peer-reviewed, and electronic processing ensures accurate reproduction of text and data, plus short publication times.

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The Concepts section provides nonspecialist readers with a useful conceptual guide to unfamiliar areas and experts with new angles on familiar problems.

Chemistry—A European Journal is owned by ChemPubSoc Europe, a group of 16 national chemical societies from within Europe, and supported by the Asian Chemical Editorial Society (ACES).

Editor: Neville A. Compton; Deputy Editors: Anne C. Deveson, Elisabeth von Roedern

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